CPR Training Programs from EMC CPR Training
CPR Training Programs
Select your course.
Heartsaver First Aid

Designed to meet OSHA regulations, this course covers first aid basics, consisting… Read More
Designed to meet OSHA regulations, this course covers first aid basics, consisting of the most common life-threatening emergencies, how to recognize them, how to call for help, and how to perform lifesaving skills.
This course teaches students critical skills to respond to and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services arrives. Students learn duties and responsibilities of first aid rescuers; first aid actions for medical emergencies, including severe choking, heart attack, and stroke; and skills for handling injury and environmental emergencies, including external bleeding, broken bones and sprains, and bites and stings.
This course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in first aid to meet job, regulatory, or other requirements.
Course Content
- First aid basics
- Medical emergencies
- Injury emergencies
- Environmental emergencies
- Preventing illness and injury
- Optional exam
2 Year Certification

Heartsaver CPR AED

This course will teach you to recognize cardiac arrest, get emergency care… Read More
This course will teach you to recognize cardiac arrest, get emergency care on the way quickly, and help a person until more advanced care arrives to take over. The course also covers adult choking and naloxone.
This course teaches adult and child CPR and AED use, infant CPR, and how to relieve choking in adults, children, and infants. This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills.
This course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in CPR and AED use to meet job, regulatory, or other requirements.
Course Content
- Adult CPR and AED use
- Opioid-associated life-threatening emergencies
- Child CPR and AED use
- Infant CPR
- Adult, child, and infant choking
- Optional modules in child CPR and AED use and infant CPR, including child and infant choking
- Optional exam
2 Year Certification

Heartsaver First Aid CPR & AED

This course is designed to meet OSHA requirements and covers first aid basics and… Read More
This course is designed to meet OSHA requirements and covers first aid basics and CPR and AED skills for adults, children, and infants.
This course teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency medical services arrives. Skills covered in this course include first aid; choking relief in adults, children, and infants; and what to do for sudden cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants.
This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills.
Course Content
- First aid basics
- Medical emergencies
- Injury emergencies
- Environmental emergencies
- Preventing illness and injury
- Adult CPR and AED use
- Opioid-associated life-threatening emergencies
- Child CPR and AED use
- Infant CPR
- Optional modules in child CPR and AED use and infant CPR
- Optional exam
2 Year Certification

Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED

This course teaches basic first aid, CPR, and AED skills for children, and is ideal for childcare workers who need to meet regulatory training requirements.
This course teaches students to respond to and manage illnesses and injuries in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives.
This course is designed to meet the regulatory requirements for child care workers in all 50 U.S. states.
- Child care workers
- Teachers
- Foster care workers
- Camp counselors
- Youth organizations
- Coaches for children’s sports organizations
- Others responsible for children including parents, grandparents, babysitters and guardians
Course Content
Pediatric First Aid Basics
- Illnesses and Injuries
- Controlling Bleeding and Bandaging
- Using a Tourniquet
- Shock
- Internal bleeding
- Burns and electrical injuries
- Allergic Reactions
- Using an epinephrine pen
- Breathing problems
- Dehydration
- Diabetes and low blood sugar
- Heat-related emergencies
- Cold-related emergencies
- Drowning
- Amputations
- Bites and stings
- Broken bones and sprains
- Eye injuries
- Bleeding from the nose
- Fainting
- Head, neck, and spine Injuries
- Penetrating and puncturing injuries
- Poison emergencies
- Seizure
- Mouth and cheek injuries
- Tooth injuries
- Splinters
2 Year Certification

Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens

This course teaches employees how to protect themselves and others from being exposed… Read More
This course teaches employees how to protect themselves and others from being exposed to blood or blood-containing materials.
This course is designed to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training when paired with site-specific instruction. This course is designed for anyone with a reasonable chance of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens such as:
- Correctional Officers
- Childcare workers
- Security guards
- Maintenance workers
- School personnel
- Hotel housekeepers
- Health and fitness club staff
- Tattoo artists
Course Content
This course uses the PACT acronym (Protect, Act, Clean, Tell) and tagline, “Make a PACT, Know How to Act™,” to help students learn and easily recall bloodborne pathogens training.
Students learn how to:
- Protect themselves from blood or blood-containing materials.
- Act quickly and safely.
- Clean the area that has blood or blood-containing materials.
- Tell their supervisor about the incident.

Basic Life Support (BLS)

The BLS Course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening… Read More
The BLS Course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED.
In the Instructor-led course, students participate in simulated clinical scenarios and learning stations. Students work with an AHA BLS Instructor to complete BLS skills practice and skills testing. Students also complete a written exam.
Course Content
- High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants
- The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components
- Use of an AED
- Effective ventilations using a barrier device
- Importance of teams in multirescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multirescuer CPR
- Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants
2 Year Certification

Advanced Bleeding Control

Advanced Bleeding Control is designed to provide detailed information on the control… Read More
Advanced Bleeding Control is designed to provide detailed information on the control of severe external bleeding, including the use of direct pressure, commercial pressure bandages, tourniquets and packed dressings.
The class is designed for groups and individuals who have a greater than average chance of witnessing an injury event in which heavy bleeding occurs and professional medical care is not readily available or is overwhelmed, such as law enforcement, private security, workplace emergency response team personnel and staff at large events, campuses or large occupied buildings.
2 Year Certification

Advanced First Aid

The ASHI Advanced First Aid course is designed for the person who needs or desires more first aid training than Basic First Aid… Read More
The ASHI Advanced First Aid course is designed for the person who needs or desires more first aid training than Basic First Aid, but not to the level of Emergency Medical Response. Perfect for corporate emergency response teams, this 17-21 hour Advanced First Aid certification course presents many of the most common illnesses and injuries responders are likely to encounter.
This Advanced First Aid training course is designed for non-EMS responders including government, corporate, industry, lifeguards, security personnel, law enforcement, corrections personnel, and other individuals who are not EMS or healthcare providers, but desire or require certification in Advanced First Aid.
2 Year certification

Basic First Aid

The HSI Basic First Aid course helps students develop basic first aid knowledge… Read More
The HSI Basic First Aid course helps students develop basic first aid knowledge, skills, and the confidence to respond. This first aid training program is an excellent choice for the community and workplace setting and conforms to the 2020 AHA and ARC Guidelines Update for First Aid.
Intended for individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire, or are required, to be certified in basic emergency medical care.
2 Year Certification

Basic Life Support (BLS)

This course is an educational program jointly sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA)… Read More
This course is an educational program jointly sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA).
Students learn how to recognize a life-threatening emergency, how to provide basic life support and what to do in case of an airway obstruction or choking. ASHI’s Basic Life Support, BLS for Healthcare Providers and Professional Rescuers has been approved for training for Emergency Medical Services personnel and is accepted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).
This class is perfect for Individuals in the healthcare or professional rescuer field that are required to have professional-level basic life support training.
The Course Covers:
Adult and Pediatric CPR
- Two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag-valve mask
- Foreign-body airway obstruction (conscious and unconscious)
- Automated external defibrillation (includes child AED update)
- Special resuscitation situations
- Other cardiopulmonary emergencies
- Stroke and cardiac arrest
2 Year Certification

Bloodborne Pathogens

HSI’s Bloodborne Pathogens training program includes information that will help students… Read More
HSI’s Bloodborne Pathogens training program includes information that will help students understand what bloodborne pathogens are and how risks of exposure can be reduced for themselves and others. This bloodborne pathogens certification course assists in satisfying the training requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030).
HSI’s Bloodborne Pathogens course is ideal for any individual or employee who has a reasonable anticipation of contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials as a result of performing designated job duties.


HSI’s CPR and AED training course is designed specifically for laypeople, and is an… Read More
HSI’s CPR and AED training course is designed specifically for laypeople and is an excellent choice for CPR and defibrillator training in community and workplace settings. This extremely flexible program will help prepare individuals to respond to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and choking incidents. This CPR and AED course conforms to the 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC.
Intended Audience
Individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but who desire, or are required, to be certified in CPR and the use of an AED:
- Emergency response teams in business and industry
- Adult residential care personnel
- Teachers
- Parents
- Babysitters
2 Year Certification

CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid

HSI CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training allow instructors… Read More
HSI CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training allow instructors an easy option for students seeking a comprehensive training class that builds the confidence to respond. This first aid, AED, and CPR certification course option is an excellent choice for the community and workplace. It conforms to the 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC and the 2020 AHA and ARC Guidelines Update for First Aid.
Intended Audience
Individuals who require or desire first aid, AED, and CPR classes that deliver comprehensive emergency care knowledge and skills:
- Emergency response teams in business and industry
- Adult residential care personnel
- Teachers
- Parents
- Babysitters
- Class Options
- Adult
- Adult and Child
- Adult, Child and Infant
2 Year Certification

High-Performance CPR

CPR guidelines define the most effective way to perform CPR. Yet there is a gap in… Read More
CPR guidelines define the most effective way to perform CPR. Yet there is a gap in quality between recommended guidelines and actual performance by most providers. High-Performance CPR is a simple concept: Improve the performance of CPR through high-quality skills, along with a practiced team approach, and the chance for survival improves.
The program, available for delivery in classroom and blended learning options, also emphasizes the need for an ongoing effort to improve and maintain skills, with suggestions and tools for ongoing skill development.
Because high-quality compressions are an important component of High-Performance CPR, the use of a CPR feedback device is required for this program.
Minimum prerequisite: Current certification in adult CPR and AED or BLS.
2 Year Certification

Pediatric CPR, AED and First Aid

HSI Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid training program provides an ideal training… Read More
HSI Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid training programs provide an ideal training solution for schools, childcare providers, youth sports coaches, and others required to learn how to respond to medical emergencies involving children and infants. This versatile program is based upon the 2020 CPR and First Aid Guidelines, Caring for Our Children, 3rd Ed; and other evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Intended Audience
Individuals seeking pediatric CPR training or who are required to be certified in pediatric CPR, AED, and first aid
- School bus drivers
- Child care workers
- Teachers
- Parents
- Babysitters
2 Year Certification

Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

ASHI’s Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors program teaches… Read More
ASHI’s Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors program teaches students about the causes of severe allergic reactions and how to recognize and treat anaphylaxis. It covers how to use an epinephrine auto-injector, the legal considerations for administering epinephrine, and how to prepare for an anaphylactic emergency.
Regulations on the administration of epinephrine for incidents of anaphylaxis vary greatly from state to state. Those Training Centers interested in offering this epinephrine auto-injector training course should refer to the Regulatory Approvals by State link in the Downloads section for a current overview of industry and delivery format approvals by state.
2 Year Certification

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban… Read More
Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban or suburban environment. With an ASHI Wilderness First Aid class, first aid providers in a remote outdoor setting will be better prepared to respond when faced with limited resources, longer times to care for someone, and decisions about when and how fast to evacuate an ill or injured person. This comprehensive 16-hour wilderness first aid course meets or exceeds the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines, 2017 Edition.
Course Includes
Information-filled slide presentation covering wilderness and remote first aid from a basic understanding of emergency response in an outdoor setting to specific techniques and considerations for a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
Course topics include:
- Preparation and Assessment
- Preventing and Caring for Injuries and Illnesses
- Environmental Hazards
- Other Wilderness Considerations
2 Year Certification

First Aid

When you understand first aid, you’ll gain the ability to help those in need… Read More
When you understand first aid, you’ll gain the ability to help those in need. Through our first aid certification classes you’ll learn how to respond to specific situations, which will help you care for people in crisis as they wait for medical professionals to arrive. This gives them the best opportunity for a positive outcome – and gives you the opportunity to change someone’s life for the better.
What You’ll Learn
Designed to help non-medical professionals provide assistance in times of crisis, our courses allow you to gain an understanding of first aid best practices for a wide range of conditions, including:
- Asthma emergencies
- Anaphylaxis
- Burns
- Choking
- Diabetic emergencies
- External bleeding
- Environmental emergencies
- Heart Attack
- Poisoning
- Neck, head and spinal injuries
- Stroke
- Seizure
2 Year Certification


Get CPR/AED certified – and learn how to help when it’s needed most. As part… Read More
Get CPR/AED certified – and learn how to help when it’s needed most. As part of our mission to train people how to respond to and prepare for emergencies, we offer CPR/AED certification classes that can help you save a life when every moment counts.
You may not realize it, but the response time for first responders after 911 is called averages 8-12 minutes, and during sudden cardiac arrest – each minute that defibrillation is delayed reduces someone’s chances of survival by approximately 10%. This is why, at the American Red Cross, we support the position that improved training and access to AEDs could save 50,000 lives each year. In fact, we believe that all Americans should be within four minutes of an AED and someone trained to use it.
2 Year Certification

BLS/CPR for Healthcare

American Red Cross BLS training classes can help you safely and effectively respond… Read More
American Red Cross BLS training classes can help you safely and effectively respond to medical emergencies in your community. By blending reading and lecture with hands-on experience, our Basic Life Support training allows you to learn new techniques and sharpen your skills so you can deliver care to those in need and help improve patient outcomes. Available for individuals and teams, our BLS courses are modular and flexible – and can help you meet your organization’s standards for care.
Designed specifically for healthcare professionals and first-responders, our BLS courses deliver information and skills training on:
- Scene Safety & Assessment
- CPR/AED Use for Adults, Children and Infants
- Obstructed Airways
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication and Teamwork
- The Emergency Medical Services System
- Legal Considerations
- Precautions
2 Year Certification

Babysitting & Child Care

American Red Cross babysitting training and Advanced Child Care courses can help you… Read More
American Red Cross babysitting training and Advanced Child Care courses can help you gain the skills you need to take care of the kids in your neighborhood when their parents can’t be with them. Created for both young babysitters and seasoned child care professionals, our best-in-class training gives you the opportunity to sharpen your skills and become a safe, reliable babysitter. During your training, you can also choose to earn your First Aid and CPR/AED certifications (good for two years), which can help you learn how to provide care during an emergency.
2 Year Certification


Learn how to effectively prevent and respond to water emergencies with the American Red Cross… Read More
Learn how to effectively prevent and respond to water emergencies with the American Red Cross lifeguard training. Our courses are designed to arm you with the skills and knowledge to prepare you for a variety of scenarios in and around the water. With our lifeguard training, you will learn how quick response times and effective preparation are vital to being a lifeguard while also understanding the crucial elements in helping to prevent drownings and injuries.
The certification, which includes First Aid, CPR and AED training, is valid for two years upon completion and is accepted nationwide. The American Red Cross is the most respected source for training and certification of this kind.
2 Year Certification

Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED

This class is ideal for use within college-level courses designed to train individuals… Read More
This class is ideal for use within college-level courses designed to train individuals in first aid, CPR, and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students.
This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aiders presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- New and updated content on the use of hemostatic dressings, application of tourniquets, administering epinephrine, dental care, and more.}
2 Year Certification


This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify laypersons in CPR and AED… Read More
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify laypersons in CPR and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students. This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aider providers presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- Skill Drills: Offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills.
- Emergency Care Wrap-Up Tables: Provide a concise summary of what signs first aiders providers should look for and what treatment steps they should take.
2 Year Certification

First Aid

This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify individuals in first aid… Read More
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify individuals in first aid and fulfill workplace training requirements. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students. This manual includes:
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aiders presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- Skill Drills: Offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills.
- Emergency Care Wrap-Up Tables: Provide a concise summary of what signs first aiders should look for and what treatment steps they should take.
2 Year Certification

Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED

This class is ideal for use within training courses designed to certify individuals… Read More
This class is ideal for use within training courses designed to certify individuals in first aid, CPR, and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students. This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aiders presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- New and updated content on the use of hemostatic dressings, application of tourniquets, administering epinephrine, dental care, and more.
- Instructors have the option to mix and match teaching methods and learning tools to improve student retention and engagement!
2 Year Certification

Health Care Provider CPR

This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify health care providers in CPR and AED… Read More
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify health care providers in CPR and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students.
This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Emergency Care Wrap-Up Tables: Provide a concise summary of what signs first aiders should look for and what treatment steps they should take.
2 Year Certification

Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention

Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention teaches coaches and trainers how to administer basic first… Read More
Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention teaches coaches and trainers how to administer basic first aid to sick and injured athletes as well as well ways to prevent illnesses and injuries from occurring.
This student manual includes:
- Lists of injuries and illnesses most common to each sport.
- Key information on sports injury prevention.
- A sample Emergency Action Plan.
- Skill drills providing step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important first aid skills.
- Caution boxes emphasizing crucial actions that coaches and trainers should or should not take while administering first aid.
- Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures.
2 Year Certification

Wilderness First Aid

When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know… Read More
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know what to look for and what to do.
Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations, Fifth Edition is your comprehensive guide. A must for outdoor recreationists and those who live or work in remote locations, this book provides information on how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. Easy to follow, Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations directs you through the most appropriate type of care.
The Fifth Edition includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines
- New content on first aid and emergency care for dogs
- Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take
- Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills
- Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures
- A refined table of contents for focused learning and quick reference
This text is the official collaboration between the Wilderness Medical Society, the largest membership society in the world devoted to wilderness medical issues, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
2 Year Certification

ECSI Instructor Development Course

When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know… Read More
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know what to look for and what to do.
Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations, Fifth Edition is your comprehensive guide. A must for outdoor recreationists and those who live or work in remote locations, this book provides information on how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. Easy to follow, Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations directs you through the most appropriate type of care.
The Fifth Edition includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines
- New content on first aid and emergency care for dogs
- Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take
- Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills
- Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures
- A refined table of contents for focused learning and quick reference
This text is the official collaboration between the Wilderness Medical Society, the largest membership society in the world devoted to wilderness medical issues, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
2 Year Certification

AHA Instructor Training
- + AHA
Heartsaver First Aid
Designed to meet OSHA regulations, this course covers first aid basics, consisting… Read More
Designed to meet OSHA regulations, this course covers first aid basics, consisting of the most common life-threatening emergencies, how to recognize them, how to call for help, and how to perform lifesaving skills.
This course teaches students critical skills to respond to and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services arrives. Students learn duties and responsibilities of first aid rescuers; first aid actions for medical emergencies, including severe choking, heart attack, and stroke; and skills for handling injury and environmental emergencies, including external bleeding, broken bones and sprains, and bites and stings.
This course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in first aid to meet job, regulatory, or other requirements.
Course Content
- First aid basics
- Medical emergencies
- Injury emergencies
- Environmental emergencies
- Preventing illness and injury
- Optional exam
2 Year Certification
Heartsaver CPR AED
This course will teach you to recognize cardiac arrest, get emergency care… Read More
This course will teach you to recognize cardiac arrest, get emergency care on the way quickly, and help a person until more advanced care arrives to take over. The course also covers adult choking and naloxone.
This course teaches adult and child CPR and AED use, infant CPR, and how to relieve choking in adults, children, and infants. This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills.
This course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in CPR and AED use to meet job, regulatory, or other requirements.
Course Content
- Adult CPR and AED use
- Opioid-associated life-threatening emergencies
- Child CPR and AED use
- Infant CPR
- Adult, child, and infant choking
- Optional modules in child CPR and AED use and infant CPR, including child and infant choking
- Optional exam
2 Year Certification
Heartsaver First Aid CPR & AED
This course is designed to meet OSHA requirements and covers first aid basics and… Read More
This course is designed to meet OSHA requirements and covers first aid basics and CPR and AED skills for adults, children, and infants.
This course teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency medical services arrives. Skills covered in this course include first aid; choking relief in adults, children, and infants; and what to do for sudden cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants.
This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills.
Course Content
- First aid basics
- Medical emergencies
- Injury emergencies
- Environmental emergencies
- Preventing illness and injury
- Adult CPR and AED use
- Opioid-associated life-threatening emergencies
- Child CPR and AED use
- Infant CPR
- Optional modules in child CPR and AED use and infant CPR
- Optional exam
2 Year Certification
Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED
This course teaches basic first aid, CPR, and AED skills for children, and is ideal for childcare workers who need to meet regulatory training requirements.
This course teaches students to respond to and manage illnesses and injuries in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives.
This course is designed to meet the regulatory requirements for child care workers in all 50 U.S. states.
- Child care workers
- Teachers
- Foster care workers
- Camp counselors
- Youth organizations
- Coaches for children’s sports organizations
- Others responsible for children including parents, grandparents, babysitters and guardians
Course Content
Pediatric First Aid Basics
- Illnesses and Injuries
- Controlling Bleeding and Bandaging
- Using a Tourniquet
- Shock
- Internal bleeding
- Burns and electrical injuries
- Allergic Reactions
- Using an epinephrine pen
- Breathing problems
- Dehydration
- Diabetes and low blood sugar
- Heat-related emergencies
- Cold-related emergencies
- Drowning
- Amputations
- Bites and stings
- Broken bones and sprains
- Eye injuries
- Bleeding from the nose
- Fainting
- Head, neck, and spine Injuries
- Penetrating and puncturing injuries
- Poison emergencies
- Seizure
- Mouth and cheek injuries
- Tooth injuries
- Splinters
2 Year Certification
Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens
This course teaches employees how to protect themselves and others from being exposed… Read More
This course teaches employees how to protect themselves and others from being exposed to blood or blood-containing materials.
This course is designed to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training when paired with site-specific instruction. This course is designed for anyone with a reasonable chance of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens such as:
- Correctional Officers
- Childcare workers
- Security guards
- Maintenance workers
- School personnel
- Hotel housekeepers
- Health and fitness club staff
- Tattoo artists
Course Content
This course uses the PACT acronym (Protect, Act, Clean, Tell) and tagline, “Make a PACT, Know How to Act™,” to help students learn and easily recall bloodborne pathogens training.
Students learn how to:
- Protect themselves from blood or blood-containing materials.
- Act quickly and safely.
- Clean the area that has blood or blood-containing materials.
- Tell their supervisor about the incident.
Basic Life Support (BLS)
The BLS Course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening… Read More
The BLS Course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED.
In the Instructor-led course, students participate in simulated clinical scenarios and learning stations. Students work with an AHA BLS Instructor to complete BLS skills practice and skills testing. Students also complete a written exam.
Course Content
- High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants
- The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components
- Use of an AED
- Effective ventilations using a barrier device
- Importance of teams in multirescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multirescuer CPR
- Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants
2 Year Certification
- + HSI
Advanced Bleeding Control
Advanced Bleeding Control is designed to provide detailed information on the control… Read More
Advanced Bleeding Control is designed to provide detailed information on the control of severe external bleeding, including the use of direct pressure, commercial pressure bandages, tourniquets and packed dressings.
The class is designed for groups and individuals who have a greater than average chance of witnessing an injury event in which heavy bleeding occurs and professional medical care is not readily available or is overwhelmed, such as law enforcement, private security, workplace emergency response team personnel and staff at large events, campuses or large occupied buildings.
2 Year Certification
Advanced First Aid
The ASHI Advanced First Aid course is designed for the person who needs or desires more first aid training than Basic First Aid… Read More
The ASHI Advanced First Aid course is designed for the person who needs or desires more first aid training than Basic First Aid, but not to the level of Emergency Medical Response. Perfect for corporate emergency response teams, this 17-21 hour Advanced First Aid certification course presents many of the most common illnesses and injuries responders are likely to encounter.
This Advanced First Aid training course is designed for non-EMS responders including government, corporate, industry, lifeguards, security personnel, law enforcement, corrections personnel, and other individuals who are not EMS or healthcare providers, but desire or require certification in Advanced First Aid.
2 Year certification
Basic First Aid
The HSI Basic First Aid course helps students develop basic first aid knowledge… Read More
The HSI Basic First Aid course helps students develop basic first aid knowledge, skills, and the confidence to respond. This first aid training program is an excellent choice for the community and workplace setting and conforms to the 2020 AHA and ARC Guidelines Update for First Aid.
Intended for individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire, or are required, to be certified in basic emergency medical care.
2 Year Certification
Basic Life Support (BLS)
This course is an educational program jointly sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA)… Read More
This course is an educational program jointly sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA).
Students learn how to recognize a life-threatening emergency, how to provide basic life support and what to do in case of an airway obstruction or choking. ASHI’s Basic Life Support, BLS for Healthcare Providers and Professional Rescuers has been approved for training for Emergency Medical Services personnel and is accepted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).
This class is perfect for Individuals in the healthcare or professional rescuer field that are required to have professional-level basic life support training.
The Course Covers:
Adult and Pediatric CPR
- Two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag-valve mask
- Foreign-body airway obstruction (conscious and unconscious)
- Automated external defibrillation (includes child AED update)
- Special resuscitation situations
- Other cardiopulmonary emergencies
- Stroke and cardiac arrest
2 Year Certification
Bloodborne Pathogens
HSI’s Bloodborne Pathogens training program includes information that will help students… Read More
HSI’s Bloodborne Pathogens training program includes information that will help students understand what bloodborne pathogens are and how risks of exposure can be reduced for themselves and others. This bloodborne pathogens certification course assists in satisfying the training requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030).
HSI’s Bloodborne Pathogens course is ideal for any individual or employee who has a reasonable anticipation of contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials as a result of performing designated job duties.
HSI’s CPR and AED training course is designed specifically for laypeople, and is an… Read More
HSI’s CPR and AED training course is designed specifically for laypeople and is an excellent choice for CPR and defibrillator training in community and workplace settings. This extremely flexible program will help prepare individuals to respond to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and choking incidents. This CPR and AED course conforms to the 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC.
Intended Audience
Individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but who desire, or are required, to be certified in CPR and the use of an AED:
- Emergency response teams in business and industry
- Adult residential care personnel
- Teachers
- Parents
- Babysitters
2 Year Certification
CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid
HSI CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training allow instructors… Read More
HSI CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training allow instructors an easy option for students seeking a comprehensive training class that builds the confidence to respond. This first aid, AED, and CPR certification course option is an excellent choice for the community and workplace. It conforms to the 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC and the 2020 AHA and ARC Guidelines Update for First Aid.
Intended Audience
Individuals who require or desire first aid, AED, and CPR classes that deliver comprehensive emergency care knowledge and skills:
- Emergency response teams in business and industry
- Adult residential care personnel
- Teachers
- Parents
- Babysitters
- Class Options
- Adult
- Adult and Child
- Adult, Child and Infant
2 Year Certification
High-Performance CPR
CPR guidelines define the most effective way to perform CPR. Yet there is a gap in… Read More
CPR guidelines define the most effective way to perform CPR. Yet there is a gap in quality between recommended guidelines and actual performance by most providers. High-Performance CPR is a simple concept: Improve the performance of CPR through high-quality skills, along with a practiced team approach, and the chance for survival improves.
The program, available for delivery in classroom and blended learning options, also emphasizes the need for an ongoing effort to improve and maintain skills, with suggestions and tools for ongoing skill development.
Because high-quality compressions are an important component of High-Performance CPR, the use of a CPR feedback device is required for this program.
Minimum prerequisite: Current certification in adult CPR and AED or BLS.
2 Year Certification
Pediatric CPR, AED and First Aid
HSI Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid training program provides an ideal training… Read More
HSI Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid training programs provide an ideal training solution for schools, childcare providers, youth sports coaches, and others required to learn how to respond to medical emergencies involving children and infants. This versatile program is based upon the 2020 CPR and First Aid Guidelines, Caring for Our Children, 3rd Ed; and other evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Intended Audience
Individuals seeking pediatric CPR training or who are required to be certified in pediatric CPR, AED, and first aid
- School bus drivers
- Child care workers
- Teachers
- Parents
- Babysitters
2 Year Certification
Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
ASHI’s Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors program teaches… Read More
ASHI’s Use and Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors program teaches students about the causes of severe allergic reactions and how to recognize and treat anaphylaxis. It covers how to use an epinephrine auto-injector, the legal considerations for administering epinephrine, and how to prepare for an anaphylactic emergency.
Regulations on the administration of epinephrine for incidents of anaphylaxis vary greatly from state to state. Those Training Centers interested in offering this epinephrine auto-injector training course should refer to the Regulatory Approvals by State link in the Downloads section for a current overview of industry and delivery format approvals by state.
2 Year Certification
Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban… Read More
Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban or suburban environment. With an ASHI Wilderness First Aid class, first aid providers in a remote outdoor setting will be better prepared to respond when faced with limited resources, longer times to care for someone, and decisions about when and how fast to evacuate an ill or injured person. This comprehensive 16-hour wilderness first aid course meets or exceeds the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines, 2017 Edition.
Course Includes
Information-filled slide presentation covering wilderness and remote first aid from a basic understanding of emergency response in an outdoor setting to specific techniques and considerations for a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
Course topics include:
- Preparation and Assessment
- Preventing and Caring for Injuries and Illnesses
- Environmental Hazards
- Other Wilderness Considerations
2 Year Certification
- + Red Cross
First Aid
When you understand first aid, you’ll gain the ability to help those in need… Read More
When you understand first aid, you’ll gain the ability to help those in need. Through our first aid certification classes you’ll learn how to respond to specific situations, which will help you care for people in crisis as they wait for medical professionals to arrive. This gives them the best opportunity for a positive outcome – and gives you the opportunity to change someone’s life for the better.
What You’ll Learn
Designed to help non-medical professionals provide assistance in times of crisis, our courses allow you to gain an understanding of first aid best practices for a wide range of conditions, including:
- Asthma emergencies
- Anaphylaxis
- Burns
- Choking
- Diabetic emergencies
- External bleeding
- Environmental emergencies
- Heart Attack
- Poisoning
- Neck, head and spinal injuries
- Stroke
- Seizure
2 Year Certification
Get CPR/AED certified – and learn how to help when it’s needed most. As part… Read More
Get CPR/AED certified – and learn how to help when it’s needed most. As part of our mission to train people how to respond to and prepare for emergencies, we offer CPR/AED certification classes that can help you save a life when every moment counts.
You may not realize it, but the response time for first responders after 911 is called averages 8-12 minutes, and during sudden cardiac arrest – each minute that defibrillation is delayed reduces someone’s chances of survival by approximately 10%. This is why, at the American Red Cross, we support the position that improved training and access to AEDs could save 50,000 lives each year. In fact, we believe that all Americans should be within four minutes of an AED and someone trained to use it.
2 Year Certification
BLS/CPR for Healthcare
American Red Cross BLS training classes can help you safely and effectively respond… Read More
American Red Cross BLS training classes can help you safely and effectively respond to medical emergencies in your community. By blending reading and lecture with hands-on experience, our Basic Life Support training allows you to learn new techniques and sharpen your skills so you can deliver care to those in need and help improve patient outcomes. Available for individuals and teams, our BLS courses are modular and flexible – and can help you meet your organization’s standards for care.
Designed specifically for healthcare professionals and first-responders, our BLS courses deliver information and skills training on:
- Scene Safety & Assessment
- CPR/AED Use for Adults, Children and Infants
- Obstructed Airways
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication and Teamwork
- The Emergency Medical Services System
- Legal Considerations
- Precautions
2 Year Certification
Babysitting & Child Care
American Red Cross babysitting training and Advanced Child Care courses can help you… Read More
American Red Cross babysitting training and Advanced Child Care courses can help you gain the skills you need to take care of the kids in your neighborhood when their parents can’t be with them. Created for both young babysitters and seasoned child care professionals, our best-in-class training gives you the opportunity to sharpen your skills and become a safe, reliable babysitter. During your training, you can also choose to earn your First Aid and CPR/AED certifications (good for two years), which can help you learn how to provide care during an emergency.
2 Year Certification
Learn how to effectively prevent and respond to water emergencies with the American Red Cross… Read More
Learn how to effectively prevent and respond to water emergencies with the American Red Cross lifeguard training. Our courses are designed to arm you with the skills and knowledge to prepare you for a variety of scenarios in and around the water. With our lifeguard training, you will learn how quick response times and effective preparation are vital to being a lifeguard while also understanding the crucial elements in helping to prevent drownings and injuries.
The certification, which includes First Aid, CPR and AED training, is valid for two years upon completion and is accepted nationwide. The American Red Cross is the most respected source for training and certification of this kind.
2 Year Certification
- + ECSI
Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED
This class is ideal for use within college-level courses designed to train individuals… Read More
This class is ideal for use within college-level courses designed to train individuals in first aid, CPR, and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students.
This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aiders presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- New and updated content on the use of hemostatic dressings, application of tourniquets, administering epinephrine, dental care, and more.}
2 Year Certification
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify laypersons in CPR and AED… Read More
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify laypersons in CPR and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students. This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aider providers presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- Skill Drills: Offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills.
- Emergency Care Wrap-Up Tables: Provide a concise summary of what signs first aiders providers should look for and what treatment steps they should take.
2 Year Certification
First Aid
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify individuals in first aid… Read More
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify individuals in first aid and fulfill workplace training requirements. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students. This manual includes:
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aiders presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- Skill Drills: Offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills.
- Emergency Care Wrap-Up Tables: Provide a concise summary of what signs first aiders should look for and what treatment steps they should take.
2 Year Certification
Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED
This class is ideal for use within training courses designed to certify individuals… Read More
This class is ideal for use within training courses designed to certify individuals in first aid, CPR, and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students. This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Current information on injuries and illnesses: Core information for first aiders presented in a clear and straightforward format.
- New and updated content on the use of hemostatic dressings, application of tourniquets, administering epinephrine, dental care, and more.
- Instructors have the option to mix and match teaching methods and learning tools to improve student retention and engagement!
2 Year Certification
Health Care Provider CPR
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify health care providers in CPR and AED… Read More
This class is ideal for use within courses designed to certify health care providers in CPR and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students.
This manual includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines: Clear, concise direction on how to perform CPR and use an AED during an emergency.
- Emergency Care Wrap-Up Tables: Provide a concise summary of what signs first aiders should look for and what treatment steps they should take.
2 Year Certification
Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention
Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention teaches coaches and trainers how to administer basic first… Read More
Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention teaches coaches and trainers how to administer basic first aid to sick and injured athletes as well as well ways to prevent illnesses and injuries from occurring.
This student manual includes:
- Lists of injuries and illnesses most common to each sport.
- Key information on sports injury prevention.
- A sample Emergency Action Plan.
- Skill drills providing step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important first aid skills.
- Caution boxes emphasizing crucial actions that coaches and trainers should or should not take while administering first aid.
- Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures.
2 Year Certification
Wilderness First Aid
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know… Read More
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know what to look for and what to do.
Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations, Fifth Edition is your comprehensive guide. A must for outdoor recreationists and those who live or work in remote locations, this book provides information on how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. Easy to follow, Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations directs you through the most appropriate type of care.
The Fifth Edition includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines
- New content on first aid and emergency care for dogs
- Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take
- Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills
- Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures
- A refined table of contents for focused learning and quick reference
This text is the official collaboration between the Wilderness Medical Society, the largest membership society in the world devoted to wilderness medical issues, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
2 Year Certification
ECSI Instructor Development Course
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know… Read More
When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location, it is essential to know what to look for and what to do.
Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations, Fifth Edition is your comprehensive guide. A must for outdoor recreationists and those who live or work in remote locations, this book provides information on how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. Easy to follow, Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations directs you through the most appropriate type of care.
The Fifth Edition includes:
- Coverage of the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines
- New content on first aid and emergency care for dogs
- Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take
- Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills
- Flowcharts that reinforce the decision-making process and appropriate procedures
- A refined table of contents for focused learning and quick reference
This text is the official collaboration between the Wilderness Medical Society, the largest membership society in the world devoted to wilderness medical issues, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
2 Year Certification
- + Instructor Training
AHA Instructor Training

We offer a comprehensive AHA Instructor Training that will prepare you to teach Basic Life Support and all Heartsaver courses. Personalized guidance and professional mentoring help guide your road to success.
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